Brand voice, positioning + copy with Squarespace web design

Duvall Herb Farm



Lindsay Warshaw
Farmer & Owner, Duvall Herb Farm
Duvall, WA


An online presence that builds customer trust and sales for Duvall Herb Farm’s first year in business


How to demonstrate what makes Duvall Herb Farm exceptional…without the “proof” of being an established business yet!

While Lindsay was clear on her vision for Duvall Herb Farm and her plans were well underway to grow and sell medicinal herbs in her first growing season, so much was still dependent on learning the lay of the land, literally.

She was busy building the infrastructure of her farm — from beds to drying rooms — in addition to starting crops, studying their interaction with the soil, and observing how her farm was functioning as a holistic system — all while making plans for next steps, like completing the intensive process to become Certified Organic.

Plus, the nature of farming means that Lindsay’s business will always be evolving! She needed a way to convey her intention to grow her business while also highlighting how special her process and plants are in this first phase of business.


Brand voice, positioning, website writing, and custom Squarespace design.

We addressed Lindsay’s goals through Clarity Sessions that dug into (pun intended 😉) and copywriting that expressed:

  • Duvall Herb Farm’s unique farming practices and philosophy

  • Why quality, sustainability, intentionality are important values of Lindsay’s, and why her commitment to these values yield herbs that are better for people and the planet

  • Lindsay’s personal passion for farming and sustainability, and why this is her life’s work

  • Why Duvall Herb Farm is growing and selling something truly special in today’s market for buyers like apothecaries, botanical product makers, and healing practitioners

  • What Lindsay intends for Duvall Herb Farm to grow into — a space for sharing her passion through classes and education, and increasing conservation efforts

  • How to work with, buy through, and get in touch with Duvall Herb Farm now, in this first iteration of the farm, so Lindsay can build her business toward her dreams

To make it easy for Lindsay to evolve her website as Duvall Herb Farm evolves? Squarespace, which is a web platform that’s easy to update. Through a live training session, I showed Lindsay how to use the platform to make changes to her site as she encounters change in her business.


Vibrant and thoughtful, Lindsay’s new Squarespace web design and messaging brings her brand alive online. It’s beautiful, wholesome, intentional, and kind — just like Duvall Herb Farm’s vision and values.

View Duvall Herb Farm’s site here, which may include updates made by Lindsay since our work together completed.

‘This is the best money you’ve ever spent on your business,’ someone told me after I shared my new website. I am so dang grateful to have worked with you, Emily! You are truly amazing at what you do.
— Lindsay Warshaw, Owner, Duvall Herb Farm

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